Black Pool
Of all the grand sights at Yellowstone National Park, one of my favorite photographs from there has turned out to be this close-up, abstract shot of Black Pool in the West Thumb Geyser Basin. As you can see, the pool … Continued
Of all the grand sights at Yellowstone National Park, one of my favorite photographs from there has turned out to be this close-up, abstract shot of Black Pool in the West Thumb Geyser Basin. As you can see, the pool … Continued
Wednesday marked the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Wilderness Act, which set aside areas “where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain.” Here are a … Continued
Turns out that August 2009 was a pretty great month for pictures. It started with an amazing sunset at Sparks Lake, but there was also this memorable sunrise. The trek to Broken Top’s glacial lake is one of the best bang-for-your-buck … Continued
Oregon is overflowing with waterfalls, particularly west of the (well-named) Cascade Range. There’s the Columbia River Gorge, where falls are so abundant that one section is known as Waterfall Alley. There’s Silver Falls State Park, which features what has to … Continued
It should come as no surprise that the Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden houses an incredibly diverse display of plants. More than 2,000 species, according to its website. The different shapes, sizes and colors are astonishing. The Persian shield was striking … Continued
I’m not the hiker I used to be. That was clear to me even before I set out on an overnight trip into the Eagle Cap Wilderness. For one thing, circumstances allowed me to start my trek at the well-named Tenderfoot … Continued
There was a time when I was really into photographing waterfalls. More than I am now, which is saying something. But the pursuit was the equivalent of a checklist, trying to see them all and getting a shot that featured each waterfall completely … Continued
No, it’s probably not as jaw-dropping as the Grand Canyon (still haven’t seen that one in person), but Hells Canyon is pretty grand in its own right. It just happens to be in the middle of nowhere, and that makes finding … Continued
Sparks Lake is one of the most photographed locations in Oregon. Rightfully so. Access is easy, there’s neat little “island” of grasses and trees, and South Sister and Broken Top reflect beautifully in the water. Heck, the pathway to the lake … Continued
It’s no wonder that the Wallowa band of the Nez Perce tribe fought so hard to hold on to its cherished ancestral homeland. Take a glance at the Wallowa Valley in eastern Oregon, and you’ll understand why. It’s a stunning alpine oasis in a region generally … Continued